2024 Journal Club Schedule
Every Wednesday: 12:10~13:00For enquiries please email to y_mura@het... or sunil.sake@het... . Note that the current schedule assumes that the journal club is on every Wednesday throughout both semesters.
Date | Speaker | Journal, etc. |
May 15 | H. Wada | "On a Z3-valued discrete topological term in 10d heterotic string theories", Yuji Tachikawa, and Hao Y. Zhang, [inspire] |
May 29 | R. Florentino | |
June 5 | H. Fujimura | “Quantum Simulation of Chiral Phase Transitions”, Alexander M. Czajka, Zhong-Bo Kang, Henry Ma and Fanyi Zhao, [inspire] |
June 12 | H. Fukaya | “Space dependent Fermi velocity in strained graphene”, F. de Juan, M. Sturla and M. A. H. Vozmediano, PRL 108 (2012) 227205 [arXiv]; “Analog gravity and the continuum effective theory of the graphene tight binding lattice model”, M. M. Roberts and T. Wiseman, PRB 109(2024), [inspire] |
June 20 | K. Ando | "Fault-tolerant simulation of Lattice Gauge Theories with gauge covariant codes", L. Spagnoli, A. Roggero, N. Wiebe, [arXiv] |
June 26 | N. Zenoni | "Holographic mutual information is monogamous", P. Hayden, M. Headrick, A. Maloney, [arXiv]; "Holographic entropy inequalities and multipartite entanglement", S. Hernández-Cuenca, V. E. Hubeny, F. Jia, [arXiv] |
July 10 | N. Kan | The Standard Model Gauge Group, SMEFT, and Generalized Symmetries, [arXiv] |
July 24 | Y. Mura | "Quantum information and CP measurement in H→τ+τ− at future lepton colliders", M. M. Altakach, P. Lamba, F. Maltoni, K. Mawatari, K. Sakurai, [arXiv] |
July 31 | Dongsheng GE | About ongoing work |
October 2 | Shaoping Li | "Higgs doublet decay as the origin of the baryon asymmetry", T. Hambye, D.Teresi, [inspire]; "Resonant Forbidden CP Asymmetry from Soft Leptons", S. Kanemura, S.-P. Li, [arXiv] |
October 16 | T. Onogi | "Quantized axial charge of staggered fermions and the chiral anomaly", Arkya Chatterjee, Salvatore D. Pace, Shu-Heng Shao, [arXiv] |
October 23 | R. Sato | "Solving the strong CP problem without axions", Ferruccio Feruglio, Matteo Parriciatu, Alessandro Strumia, Arsenii Titov, [inspire] |
October 30 | T. Nishioka | "The In-Out Formalism for In-In Correlators", Yaniv Donath, Enrico Pajer, [arXiv] |
November 6 | S. Yamaguchi | "S-Matrix Bootstrap and Non-Invertible Symmetries", [arXiv]; "Non-Invertible Symmetries, Anomalies and Scattering Amplitudes", [arXiv] |
November 13 | M. Tanaka | "Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment", X. Fan ,T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, and G. Gabrielse, [inspire] |
November 27 | T. Yamanaka | "Cosmic stability of dark matter from Pauli blocking", Brian Batell and Wen Yin, [arXiv] |
December 4 | K. Yagyu | "Cornering Spontaneous CP Violation with Charged-Higgs-Boson Searches", U. Nierste, M. Tabet and R. Ziegler, [arXiv]; "Conditions for CP-violation in the general two-Higgs-doublet model", J. F. Gunion and H. E. Haber, [arXiv] |
December 11 | S. Shimamori | "Universal Bounds on CFT Distance Conjecture", Hirosi Ooguri, Yifan Wang, [arXiv] |
December 18 | D. Ward | "Aspects of the chiral crossover transition in (2+1)-flavor QCD with Mobius Domain Wall fermions", Rajiv V. Gavai, Mischa E. Jaensch, et al. [arXiv] |
January 8 | Guohao Ying | "Probing Leptogenesis with the Cosmological Collider", Yanou Cui, Zhong-Zhi Xianyu, [arXiv] |
January 15 | S. Taniguchi | "Spontaneous CP violation electroweak baryogenesis and gravitational wave through multi-step phase transitions", Songtao Liu, Lei Wang [arXiv] |
January 21 | R. Florentino | "CMB constraints on the inflaton couplings and reheating temperature in α-attractor inflation", Drewes, Kang, and Mun [arXiv] |
January 29 | T. Yamaoka | "Quantized axial charge of staggered fermion and the chiral anomaly", Arkya Chatrterjee, Salvatore D. Pace, Shu-Heng Shao [arXiv]; "Staggered Fermion with Chiral Anomaly Cancellation", Ling-Xiao Xu [arXiv] |