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2024 Jun 12 HET lab journal club, "Gravity on a graphene", introducing F. de Juan, M. Sturla and M. A. H. Vozmediano, “Space dependent Fermi velocity in strained graphene,” PRL 108 (2012) 227205, arXiv:1201.2656 M. M. Roberts, T. Wiseman, “Analog gravity and the continuum effective theory of the graphene tight binding lattice model” PRB 109(2024)  arXiv: 2305.08897


2023 Apr 28 Seminar talk at Kyushu Univ. "Why magnetic monopole becomes dyon in topological insulators" [Slides]
2023 May 23 Seminar talk at "Operator Algebra Seminars", U. Tokyo, "Magnetic monopole and domain-wall fermion Dirac operator" [Slides]
2023 June 29 BEC semiinar at U. Tsukuba (online) "Why magnetic monopole becomes dyon in topological insulators" [Slides]
2023 Aug 1st (Aug 2nd in JST) Contributed talk at Lattice 2023 (online) "Chiral susceptibility and axial U(1) anomaly near the (pseudo-)critical temperature" [Slides]
2023 Aug 9 Contributed talk at YITP workshop QFT2023 (in Japanese), "A Mathematical formulation of Atiyah-Singer index in lattice gauge theory"[Slides]
2023 Aug 31 Contributed talk at YITP workshop PPP2023 (in Japanese), "Chiral susceptibility and U(1) anomaly" [Slides]
2023 Oct 4 Journal club at HET group in Osaka U., "Can hadrons describe quark gluon plasma?"
2023 Oct 13 Seminar talk at RESCEU, U. Tokyo, "Why is quantum gravity so difficult (compared to QCD)?" [Slides]
2023 Nov 16 Seminar talk at Tohoku U., "What is chiral susceptibility probing?" [Slides]
2023 Nov 30 Contributed talk at KEK Theory Workshop 2023, "A mathematical formulation of index theorem on a lattice" [Slides]
2023 Dec 20 JSPS Prize
2024 Jan 26 Lecture at Current Topics in Physics, Earth and Space Science, "Study of particle physics with computers"(in Japanese).
2024 Mar 4 JSPS prize commemorative talk (in Japanese), "Study of particle physics, condensed matter physics and topology with domain-wall fermions". [Slides]
2024 Mar 13-14 Invited talk (in Japanese) at Tokei-butsuri Kondankai, "Understanding index theorem with massive fermions".
2024 Mar 19 Contributed talk at JPS meeting, "A mathematical formulation of Atiyah-Singer index on a lattice".
2024 Mar 28 Osaka University President's Special Prize


2022 May 13 Colloquium at RCNP Osaka U., "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
2022 May 25 Journal Club at HET lab Osaka U. "Review of M. Luescher, “On the chiral anomaly and the Yang–Mills gradient flow,” Phys.Lett.B 823 (2021) 136725 [arXiv: 2109.07965 [hep-lat]]"
2022 July 20 Contributed talk at YITP・iTHEMS workshop Lattice-QFT2022 (in Japanese) "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
2022 Aug 19-23 Contributed talk at YITP workshop Stings and Fields 2022 (in Japanese), "Curved domain-wall fermion and its anomaly inflow"
2022 Aug 29-Sep 2 Invited talk at PPP2022 (in Japanese), "Understanding index theorems with massive fermions"
2022 September 8 Contributed talk at JPS meeting (in Japanese) "Study of axial U(1) anomaly in 2+1-flavor QCD at high temperature with overlap fermions"
2022 Oct 14 Postet talk at the 30th Anniversary Symposium of the Center for Computational Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, "Topological excitation of QCD near the critical temperature"
2022 Oct 28 Poster talk at the Ninth Project Report Meeting of the HPCI System Including Fugaku, "Topological excitation of high temperature QCD near the physical point"
2022 Nov 22 Seminar at KEK, "Curved domain-wall fermion and its anomaly inflow"
2022 Dec 8 Contributed talk at KEK Theory Workshop 2022, "A microscopic description of the Witten effect with negatively massive fermions"
2023 Jan 27 Colloquium at Nagoya U.,"Domain-wall fermions can investigate particle physics, condensed matter physics and topology." (in Japanese)
2023 Feb 15-17 Invited talk at the workshop "Challenges and opportunities in Lattice QCD simulations and related fields", RIKEN R-CCS, "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
2023 March 24 Contributed talk at JPS spring meeting (in Japanese), "Role of axial U(1) anomaly in the chiral phase transition of QCD"

AY 2021

2021 April 23 Seminar at Kanazawa U.(online) "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
2021 June 9 Journal club at HET group in Osaka Univ. "Gauge invariant understanding of Higgs mechanism" based on Afferrante, Maas, Sodenheimer and Torek, SciPost Phys. 10 (2021) 062 [arXiv: 2011.02301].
2021 July 28 Poster presentation at Lattice 2021 (online) "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
2021 July 30 Plenary talk at Lattice 2021 (online) "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index (on a lattice)"
2021 Sep 15 Contributed talk at JPS meeting (in Japanese)
2021 Oct 25-29 YITP workshop "QCD phase diagram and lattice QCD" (on-line), poster talk.
2021 Oct 22 Contributed talk at East Asia Joint Symposium on Fields and Strings 2021 "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the APS index (on a lattice)"
2021 Dec 7-9 Contributed talk at KEK Theory Workshop 2021, "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
2021 Dec 13 Invited talk at BNL & RBRC Joint Workshop "DWQ@25", "Domain-wall fermion and Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index"
2021 Dec 20 Seminar talk at KIAS (online) "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index"
2022 Feb 13 Invited talk at BE/BC2022(online), “Bulk-edge correspondence of anomaly and APS index theorem”
2022 Feb 22,24,25 Invited talk CREST tutorial workshop (online, Japanese).

AY 2020

2020 June 17 Journal Club (on-line) at HET lab. in Osaka U, talk based on
"Phase ambiguity of the measure for continuum Majorana fermions"
by M. Golterman, Y. Shamir, arXiv:1904.08600
2020 July 1 Seminar at RIKEN R-CCS (on-line), "Study of high temperature QCD with chiral fermions"
2020 July 21 Seminar at Keio Univ. High Energy Physics Group (on-line). "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index"
2020 Aug 4-7 Contributed talk at Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice Field Theory (APLAT 2020), "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
2020 Sep 4 Contributed talk at PPP2020 (on-line, in Japanese), "Chiral susceptibility and U(1) anomaly"
2020 Sep 15 Invited talk at JPS meeting (on-line, in Japanese) "Understanding index theorems with massive fermion"
2020 Oct 6 Contributed talk at CCS at U. Tsukuba, International Symposium 2020 "Topological excitation in high temperature phase of Quantum Chromodynamics"
2020 Oct 13 Seminar at Rikkyo Univ. (on-line, in Japanese) "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index"
2020 Oct 30 Our finite T QCD project won the HPCI Excellent Achievement Award!
Awarding ceremony and unvited talk at The Seventh Project Report Meeting of the HPCI System Including K computer(online)
2020 Nov 17 Contributed talk at YITP workshop Strings and Fields 2020(on-line) "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the mod-two APS index"
2020 Nov 25-27 Intensive lecture at YITP, Kyoto Univ. (also broadcasted on-line), "Understanding anomaly and index theorem with massive fermion"(in Japanese)
You can download slides and videos from a slack workspace:
2020 Nov 27 Seminar at YITP, Kyoto U. "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the mod-two APS index"
You can download slides and videos from a slack workspace:
2020 Dec 10 Seminar (on-line) at RIKEN/BNL, "Study of axial U(1) anomaly at high temperature with lattice chiral fermions"
2021 Mar 13 Contributed talk at the JPS meeting (on-line, in Japanese), "Axial U(1) anomaly in 2+1-flavor lattice QCD at high temperature near the physical point"
2021 Mar 31 Contributed talk (on-line) at FunQCD: from first principles to effective theories, "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"

AY 2019

2019 Apr 22 International workshop, "Frontiers in Lattice QCD and related topics" at Kyoto Univ. contributed talk.
"Why is domain-wall fermion mathematically interesting?"
2019 May 15 Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, seminar.
"Index theorem and lattice gauge theory"
2019 Jun 4 Seminar at KEK,
"Index theorem and domain-wall fermion"
2019 Jun 12 Journal club at Osaka HET group,
"FLAG-2019 review"
2019 Jun 20 Lattice 2019 at Wuhan, contributed talk,
"Domain-wall fermion and Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index"
2019 Aug 6-9 Workshop "RMT in Sub-Atomic Physics and Beyond" at ECT* Trento, Italy, invited talk,
"Domain-wall fermion and Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index"
2019 Aug 21 Workshop Strings and Fields 2019, contributed talk,
"Mathematical proof for "physicist-friendly" reformulation of Atiyah- Patodi-Singer index".
2019 Sep 17 JPS meeting at Yamagata U. contributed talk,
"Nf=2格子QCDにおける高温領域の対称性"(in Japanese)
2019 Sep 25 Workshop: Mathematical approach for topological physics (II) at Nagoya Univ. invited talk,
"Domain-wall fermion and Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index".
2019 Oct 23 Seminar at U. Tokyo (Komaba), 
"A physicist-friendly reformulation of the APS index theorem"
2019 Nov 25 Seminar at Kavli IPMU,
"A physicist-friendly reformulation of the APS index theorem and its mathematical justification"
2019 Nov 25 Seminar at Ibaraki U.
"A physicist-friendly reformulation of the APS index theorem and its mathematical justification"
2019 Dec 17 YITP workshop QUCS2019, contributed talk (in Japanese)
"Symmetry of QCD at high temperature"
2019 Dec 20 The workshop, Non-perturbative methods in quantum field theories and applications to elementary particle physics, invited talk (in Japanese).
"Topology in lattice gauge theory"

AY 2018

2018 May 11-12 The 22nd Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group, invited talk, "Extra dimension WITHIN the standard model"
2018 May 16 HET journal club, "Gravity and fiber bundle reduction"
2018 Jun 11 YKIS2018b Symposium "Recent Developments in Quark-Hadron Sciences, Invited talk.
2018 Jul 27-28 Workshop "AVENUES OF QUANTUM FIELD THEORY IN CURVED SPACETIME" at Keio University, invited talk.
2018 Aug 13-17 Workshop "PROGRESS IN THE MATHEMATICS OF TOPOLOGICAL STATES OF MATTER" at Tohoku University, invited talk.
2018 Sep 10-14 Oberwoelz workshop "Quantum Chromodynamics and Its Symmetries", invited talk.
2018 Nov 7 Seminar at Kyoto Univ.
2018 Dec 11 Seminar at Kawamura lab. at Osaka Univ.

AY 2017

2017 Jun 19-24 Lattice 2017 at Granada, invited talk and parallel talk
2017 Aug 10 YITP workshop Strings and fields 2017, contributed talk.
2017 Aug 27-Sep 2 SANTA FE WORKSHOP ON LATTICE QCD, invited talk.
2017 Sep 15 JPS autumn meeting 2017, contributed talk.
2017 Nov 13 Univ. of Tokyo, seminar.
2017 Nov 17 YITP, Kyoto Univerisity, seminar.
2017 Dec 20-21 International workshop on "Axion physics and dark matter cosmology", contributed talk.
2017 Dec 16 Frente Hall Nishinomiya, Nishinomiya-Yukawa award ceremony, talk .