Welcome to HPNP2025

The 7th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2025 (HPNP2025)" will be held in 9-13 June 2025 at the University of Osaka (renamed in April 2025 from the original Osaka University).

After the discovery of a Higgs boson in 2012, the standard model has been confirmed to give a good description for the phenomena below the electroweak scale. In spite of the success of the standard model, the nature of the Higgs sector and the dynamics behind the electroweak symmetry breaking are still mystery. On the other hand, there are phenomena which cannot be explained in the standard model, such as neutrino oscillation, existence of dark matter, baryon asymmetry of the Universe and cosmic inflation. It is clear that the new physics beyond the standard model is necessary.

The LHC has been revealing physics at the terascale and will be upgraded to the High-Luminosity LHC. Meanwhile, SuperKEKB will explore well beyond the terascale via heavy flavor decays. Various kind of new elaborate intensity frontier experiments are also underway to exploring flavor violation, CP violation, magnetic dipole moments, etc. Furthermore, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), aimed at detecting gravitational waves from the early Universe, can be new important tool of exploring behavior of particles before Recombination. The synergy of these upcoming experiments as well as future lepton colliders such as ILC, FCCee, CEPC and CLIC, and also various cosmological observations will bring us insights into the nature of new physics. Therefore, it is a good timing to discuss the physics role of the Higgs sector and its relation to the physics beyond the standard model.

The aim of HPNP2025 is to bring together Higgs related physicists from around the world to mainly discuss the following topics:

  • Determination of the Shape of the Higgs Sector from Experiments
  • Physics of Extended Higgs Sectors
  • New Paradigms and Higgs Physics (SUSY, Composite Higgs, Scale Invariance, Extra Dim, ...)
  • Dynamics behind Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
  • Higgs Physics and Flavor Physics/Neutrinos Physics/Dark Matter/Baryogenesis
  • Electroweak Phase Transition and its test at Colliders and Gravitational Waves
  • Higgs and Inflation, other Cosmological Implications
  • Higgs and Planck Scale Physics
  Important Dates
  • 9th March 2025: Deadline for Abstract Submission
  • 9th March 2025: Deadline for Visa Letter Request
  • 9th April 2025: Deadline for Registration
  • 16th April 2025: Payment due date
Important Notice

We have been informed that some participants have received unsolicited messages from unknown agents. Please note that our organizing committee does not share participant information nor authorize any external agents to contact participants. If you receive such messages, please do not respond.

  International Advisory Committee

Fawzi Boudjema (Annecy, LAPTH) Qing-Hong Cao (Peking U.)
Cheng-Wei Chiang (National Taiwan U.) Christophe Grojean (DESY)
Bohdan Grzadkowski (U. of Warsaw) Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz)
Junji Hisano (KMI, Nagoya U.) Pyungwon Ko (KIAS)
Stefano Moretti (U. of Southampton / Uppsala U.)
Mihoko Nojiri (KEK / Kavli IPMU) Yasuhiro Okada (KEK)
Michael E. Peskin (SLAC)

  Local Organizing Committee

Mayumi Aoki (Kanazawa U.) Mitsuru Kakizaki (U. of Toyama)
Chair: Shinya Kanemura (U. of Osaka) Shaoping Li (U. of Osaka)
Tatsuya Masubuchi (U. of Osaka) Dibyendu Nanda (U. of Osaka) Kin-ya Oda (TWCU) Ryosuke Sato (U. of Osaka)
Tetsuo Shindou (Kogakuin U.) Hiroaki Sugiyama (Toyama Pref. U.)
Koji Tsumura (Kyushu U.) Kei Yagyu (U. of Osaka)


Shinya Kanemura (Chair): E-mail: kanemu_at_het.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
Secretary: E-mail: hpnp2025_at_het.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
(Please replace _at_ with @)


  • Department of Physics, University of Osaka