
Program for the 11th Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group

  • Date:October 18-19, 2014
  • Place: Faculty of Science Bldg., Room B136 (Kaigi-Shitsu)
October 18, 2014

Chair: C.-W. Chiang
12:20-12:50 S. Kanemura University of Toyama Introduction
12:50-13:20 K. Fujii KEK ILC Physics/Status of the ILC Project
13:20-13:50 H. Yokoya University of Toyama Parametric uncertainties on Higgs production and decay
Chair: K. Fujii
14:20-14:50 C.-W. Chiang National Central University Novel Constraint on Parameter Space of the
Georgi-Machacek Model by Current LHC Data
14:50-15:20 M. Kikuchi University of Toyama Radiative Correction to the Higgs couplings in 2HDM
15:20-15:50 Y.  Hamada Kyoto University Weak Scale From the Maximum Entropy Principle
Chair: T. Yamashita
16:20-16:50 Y. Omura Nagoya University Unification of SUSY breaking and GUT breaking sector
16:50-17:20 Y. Shoji Tohoku University Higgs Mixing in the NMSSM and Light Higgsinos
17:20-17:50 T. Matsui University of Toyama Indirect reach of extra Higgs in MSSM at ILC


Dinner (AZAMI)
October 19, 2014
Chair: K. Tsumura
9:00-9:30 M. Hashimoto Chubu University Technicolor/Top condensate/Composite models
9:30-10:00 A. Ishikawa Tohoku University Search for Invisible Higgs Decays at the ILC
10:00-10:30 N. Machida University of Toyama New resonance scale and fingerprint identification in composite Higgs models
Chair: N. Maru
11:00-11:30 H. Sugiyama Maskawa Institute The zero Higgs doublet model
11:30-12:00 S. Kashiwase Kanazawa University Inflation in a modified radiative seesaw model
12:00-12:30 A. Santa University of Toyama Phenomenological constraints on light mixed sneutrino dark matter scenarios
Chair: T. Shindou

Discussion of the future activity of NHWG
Chair: S. Kanemura
14:20-14:30 S. Kanemura
University of Toyama
Status Report on the NHWG Document 1
14:30-14:40 K. Tsumura
Kyoto University
Status Report on the NHWG Document 2
14:40-14:50 M. Kakizaki
University of Toyama
Status Report on the NHWG Document 2
14:50-15:00 T. Shindou
Kogakuin University
Status Report on the NHWG Document 4


Discussion on Working Group Report (each chapter)
